KETTLER table tennis premium family package K5 Outdoor + accessories

All-round carefree package ✓ incl. accessories ✓ cover ✓ racket set ✓ and much more.

Item number: 1481

RRP €964.00
€ 879.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 5 -7 days within Germany

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Premium outdoor table tennis set for the whole family - including KETTLER table tennis table K5

Discover the ultimate outdoor table tennis set for families, now at a special price! Our complete package is perfect for hours of outdoor fun and offers everything you need for the perfect table tennis equipment.

The set includes:

  • KETTLER outdoor table tennis table K5
  • Table tennis cover in black or grey
  • Outdoor table tennis bat set (2 table tennis bats + 6 balls)
  • 2 premium table tennis bats
  • Economy pack of balls (12 3-star balls)
  • Table tennis bat cleaning set

Highlights of the table tennis family package:

KETTLER outdoor table tennis table K5: Enjoy the highest quality with this table made in Germany, which impresses with its 5mm thick melamine resin top and practical one-hand locking mechanism. Its durability and stability make it the ideal table for outdoor use.

Protection and safety: A robust cover (available in black or grey) protects your table from the weather. The corner protector and height-adjustable legs provide additional safety.

Complete playing set: In addition to the table, you will receive two premium outdoor table tennis bat sets and two outdoor table tennis bats (with 6 balls), as well as an additional pack of 12 high-quality 3-star table tennis balls for optimum playing pleasure.

Maintenance set included: A special cleaning set for table tennis bats ensures that your equipment is always ready to play.

This table tennis set not only guarantees fun and sporting activity for the whole family, but is also a sign of quality and durability. The included equipment allows everyone, whether beginner or advanced, to get started right away.

Order now and turn your outdoor area into the ultimate play and meeting place for family and friends. Enjoy the fun of table tennis with our weatherproof set, specially designed to meet the needs of families.

Caution: The product contains small parts that can be swallowed, use under the direct supervision of adults.

Caution: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.

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