KETTLER table tennis accessory pack

Cover ✓ Premium table tennis racket ✓ Outdoor table tennis racket ✓ Table tennis racket cleaning set✓ Ball set✓

Item number: 1477

RRP €218.00
€ 199.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany

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Get the ultimate table tennis upgrade now with our exclusive KETTLER table tennis accessory pack and save €19!

This set is specially designed to take your game to the next level and protect your equipment at the same time.

The package includes:

1x cover in grey or black

1x outdoor bat set (2 table tennis bats + 6 balls)

2x premium table tennis bats

1x table tennis bat cleaning set

12x balls 3 star

With the Kettler cover, you can protect your table tennis table from the elements and extend its service life. It is water-repellent, UV-resistant and fits perfectly over all standard table tennis tables.

The Kettler premium table tennis bat not only offers outstanding performance and durability, but also the comfort and control you need for a precise game. It is ideal for anyone who takes their table tennis game seriously.

With the Kettler outdoor racket set, consisting of two weatherproof rackets and three balls, you can get started right away, whether outdoors or indoors. These rackets are specially designed for outdoor use, so the fun doesn't even end in wet weather.

To keep your equipment in top condition, the set also includes the Kettler cleaning set. The specially developed care range ensures that your bats and table tennis table remain clean and in top condition.

Last but not least, the Kettler table tennis balls round off the package. They have a high-quality finish and offer the perfect hardness for a professional playing experience.

This Kettler table tennis accessory package is the perfect choice for ambitious players who value quality and durability. Order now and experience the perfect combination of protection, performance and fun.

This set is worth the investment and becomes even more valuable with the purchase of Kettler products, as you can be sure that every game is played with the best equipment. 

Caution: The product contains small parts that can be swallowed, use under the direct supervision of adults.

Caution: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.

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