KETTLER pram adapter for Maxi-Cosi baby seat

Item number: 1359

€ 69.90 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

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Who hasn't experienced it, when you are only travelling a short distance by car and don't want to take the whole pram with you....and especially don't want to wake up your baby, who is snoozing comfortably in the baby car seat.

If you own a KETTLER pram, you will love the KETTLER pram adapter! This accessory turns your pram into a versatile 3-in-1 pram in no time by allowing you to attach a baby seat. With the KETTLER pram adapter you can easily attach your baby car seat to the pram frame and your child can continue its ride in the usual position.

Thanks to the KETTLER pram adapter, you can now make trips with your baby even easier and less stressful. You can let your child sleep in the infant carrier and then simply attach it to the KETTLER frame without your baby waking up. This saves you the hassle of carrying the baby car seat and leaves you more space in the boot, as the KETTLER frame can be folded and stowed away to save space.

The KETTLER pushchair adapter has been developed with the highest safety standards in mind to offer you and your baby the best possible travel experience. It is durable and robust and will provide you and your baby with years of loyal service. 

The KETTLER pram adapter is compatible with various baby car seat models, including Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, Nuna and Recaro. With the KETTLER pram adapter you have the freedom to travel comfortably and flexibly with your baby. It is easy to install and use and allows you to attach different baby car seat models to the KETTLER frame. The KETTLER pram adapter is an indispensable accessory for everyone who is on the road with a KETTLER pram.

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