KETTLER Combi Pram

Versatile and stylish ✓ Maximum comfort for your child ✓ Durable and safe ✓ Easy to adjust ✓ Generous storage space ✓ Easy to manoeuvre ✓

Item number: 1353

RRP €899.00
€ 549.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

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The KETTLER combi pushchair perfectly combines design and functionality and accompanies you and your baby from birth to 4 years of age. 

The all-round frame

With the all-round frame the combi pushchair can be driven excellently, no matter on which surface. The large rear wheels ensure a stable ride, while the slightly smaller front wheels are fixed and adjustable to provide the right level of driving comfort, no matter where you happen to be!

The baby tub

The baby bath sits nice and high so that your baby is always within easy reach. A special highlight of the carrycot is the "panorama window" - the border in the head area can be opened and provides extra ventilation. In the prone position, your baby can then discover the world through the panorama window!  The comfortable mattress with washable cover, additional ventilation in the hood, the sun visor, the sun sail and the mosquito net offer optimal protection and comfort - right from the start.

The sport seat

The sport seat offers your child the comfort he or she needs from the sitting age. The footrest can be extended and the angle changed so that it adapts perfectly to your child's needs and grows with them. And when your little explorer is curious about the world around him, you can change the direction of the sports seat's gaze in seconds, allowing him to watch the world or look at you. If the child is tired, the seat can be put into the reclining position with a flick of the wrist. Well secured with the five-point harness system and the safety bar, the pram remains a faithful companion. The canopy is also equipped with a ventilation window and protects your child from sun and wind with an additional extension. If that's not enough, the sun visor and sun sail are also included.

Nice to have

The push handle of the pushchair can be adjusted in height and thus optimally adapts to every body size. Another advantage of the KETTLER combi pushchair is the spacious basket underneath the seat, which can be removed. This means that you can comfortably transport your shopping or other things without compromising the stability of the pushchair. 

And the best thing? The KETTLER combi pram comes with a practical complete package that contains everything you need for all weather and life situations. The pram includes two sun sails, a mosquito net, a rain cover and an additional drink holder. The fabrics used are OEKO-TEX Standard 100 certified, water-repellent and UV 50+ protected.

With the KETTLER combi pram you are always well equipped and can fully concentrate on the most important thing - your child. So what are you waiting for? Experience unforgettable walks with your baby with the KETTLER combi pram and always be well equipped.

Discover the outstanding service quality of the KETTLERshop. If you have any complaints or need spare parts for the KETTLER pram, you can rely on us completely. Instead of making the trip to the dealer, a simple photo or video is enough to show us the problem. Then we will take care of it immediately. With our quick availability and easy exchangeability of spare parts, we want to ensure that you can use your pram carefree and without restrictions. And the best part about it? We will conveniently send the required replacement directly to your home. With the KETTLER pram you get quality and service that you can rely on.

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