KETTLER Tricycle startrike air
Item number: 1190
Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany
Three wheels, two pedals, one handlebar and off you go. The first own tricycle promotes the independence of the little rider. In a playful way, they expand the coordination of arm and leg movements. If the steering does not work yet or if your legs are tired, the grown-ups can help a little with the handlebar.
Our STARTRIKE AIR is equipped with smooth-running wheels with pneumatic tires. This makes walking on rough terrain even more fun! Thanks to the exchangeable footplate, the child can comfortably place their feet in sliding mode.
CAUTION: Use only under the direct supervision of adults! Use is only permitted by one (1) person. Ensure that the children's vehicle is only used in a hazard-free environment. Do not use the vehicle near slopes, stairs, roads, railway tracks, bodies of water, etc. (risk of accidents, tipping over). (risk of accidents, tipping over, falls, injuries); favour safe areas such as paved, level surfaces. Caution: risk of accidents and serious injuries when used on public roads! Sturdy footwear must be worn during use. We recommend wearing suitable protective clothing and a safety helmet. CAUTION: Store the unused decorative stickers carefully and keep them away from small children. (small parts can be swallowed). Risk of suffocation! WARNING: Keep children away from the product during assembly (small parts that can be swallowed). ATTENTION: As the vehicle is a play device, it does not comply with the regulations for public road traffic and for this reason may not be used on public roads. ATTENTION: The user must always adapt his driving style to the local conditions and his personal abilities. Excessive cornering at excessive speed and with the steering turned in can result in a risk of tipping over! ATTENTION: The play equipment may only be used by children who have sufficient motor skills to handle the play equipment safely.
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