KETTLER tricycle Funtrike

Tilt-proof ✓ Stable ✓ From 2 years ✓ Including push bar ✓ Including sand tray ✓

Item number: 1164

€ 99.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

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Three wheels, two pedals, one handlebar and off you go. The first own tricycle promotes the independence of little riders. In a playful way, they improve their coordination of arm and leg movements. If they still can't steer or their legs are tired, the grown-ups can help them a little with the handlebars. 

Our FUNTRIKE is equipped with high-quality plastic wheels and is the lightest tricycle in our range. With its cute animal motifs, children are sure to love their new ride-on! The sand tray can be tilted and allows favourite things to be unloaded quickly.

Functions of the FUNTRIKE

  • High-quality tunnel tube frame with scratch-resistant polyester coating
  • High tipping safety due to low centre of gravity 
  • High-quality plastic wheels, front wheel with automatic freewheel
  • Handlebar deflection limiter
  • Tilting sand tray with locking mechanism
  • Adjustable bucket seat with high backrest
  • Handbrake acting on both rear wheels
  • Including divisible, height-adjustable push bar

Technical data:

  • Weight: 5.3 kg
  • Age of the child: approx. 2-5 years
  • Maximum weight load: 50 kg

Warning: ATTENTION: To be used with protective equipment. Not to be used in road traffic.

Warning: ATTENTION! Maximum load capacity 50 kg

  • High-quality tubular tunnel frame with scratch-resistant polyester coating
  • High tipping safety due to low center of gravity 
  • High-quality plastic wheels, front wheel with automatic freewheel function
  • Handlebar deflection limiter
  • Tilting sand tray with locking mechanism
  • Adjustable bucket seat with high backrest
  • Hand brake acting on both rear wheels
  • Including divisible, height-adjustable push rod

  • Weight: 5,3 kg
  • Age of the child: approx. 2-5 years
  • Maximum weight load: 50 kg


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