KETTLER Kettcar Retro safety package

Retro design for nostalgic moments ✓ Suitable for children from 3 to 6 years ✓ Includes reflector set for better visibility ✓

Item number: 1628

€ 199.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany

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Free package: Kettler Kettcar Retro and free reflector set

KETTLER Kettcar Retro

The Kettler Kettcar Retro is light enough for children to easily move and compact enough to fit in any garden or playground. The large pneumatic tires allow for a comfortable and safe ride over different surfaces, while the robust frame and pre-mounted wheels guarantee quick readiness for use.

The integrated handbrake provides additional safety, helping your child to stop safely. The two-speed gear lever offers both a pedal clutch and a freewheel clutch, making the driving experience even more varied and exciting. The adjustable seat adapts to the size of your child and ensures a comfortable sitting position.

Includes: Reflector set worth 19.90 euros

In this savings package you will receive a practical reflector set for free! This 4-piece set provides additional safety through better visibility in the dark. The self-adhesive reflectors are weatherproof, waterproof, lightweight and durable.

Benefits of the reflector set:

  • Visibility: Increases safety in poor lighting conditions
  • Flexibility: Can be attached to bicycle helmets, backpacks, jackets and more
  • Easy to attach: Self-adhesive and easy to attach, even on uneven surfaces

The reflectors can be attached effortlessly and removed without leaving any residue if necessary. They are the perfect addition to your child's Kettcar and other outdoor equipment.


KETTLER Kettcar Retro

  • Original retro design: Evokes nostalgic childhood memories and delights children and parents alike.
  • Suitable for children aged 3 and over: Ideal for the age group from 3 to 6 years, maximum weight of 35 kg.
  • Light and compact: With a product weight of only 11.8 kg and dimensions of 97 x 57.5 x 56 cm, it is easy to move and can be used anywhere.
  • Pneumatic tires: 10-inch tires with pneumatic tires ensure a smooth and comfortable ride.
  • Safety features: Equipped with a handbrake for safe stopping.
  • Two-speed gear lever: Pedal clutch and freewheel clutch offer a varied driving experience.
  • Adjustable seat: 2-way adjustable seat adapts to the size of the child and ensures a comfortable sitting position.
  • Assembly: Frame and wheels already assembled, ready to go.
  • Tested safety: Tested according to EN71-1, -2 and -3 standards, ensuring high safety standards.

KETTLER reflector set 4-piece

  • Weatherproof and waterproof
  • Lightweight but durable
  • Provides efficient protection for night riding
  • High reflectivity
  • Cellular design with good light transmission
  • Uses prismatic reflection technology
  • Reduces the occurrence of accidents
  • Easy to attach
  • Leaves no trace after tearing off
  • Also suitable for helmets, backpacks and jackets.

Technical data

KETTLER Kettcar Retro

  • Recommended age: 3-6 years
  • Maximum weight: 35 kg
  • Product weight: 11.8 kg
  • Product dimensions: 97 x 57.5 x 56 cm
  • Tire size: 10 inches
  • Tires: pneumatic tires
  • Safety features: handbrake
  • Gearshift: two-speed gear lever with pedal clutch and freewheel clutch
  • Seat adjustment: 2-way adjustable
  • Assembly: frame and wheels already assembled
  • Safety test: tested according to EN71-1, -2, -3 standards

KETTLER reflector set, 4 pieces

  • Size: 8 x 3 cm
  • Material: PET/reflective film


WARNING!  Swallowing small parts, not suitable for children under 3 years!

WARNING! Use under the direct supervision of adults!

WARNING! Not to be used in traffic!



WARNING!  Swallowing small parts, not suitable for children under 3 years!

WARNING! Use under the direct supervision of adults!


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