KETTLER children's vehicle economy package: ZAZZY scooter & RETRO Kettcar

Retro design ✓ Modern driving behaviour ✓Suitable for children from 3 years ✓

Item number: 1640

RRP €238.00
€ 219.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

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KETTLER children's vehicle economy package: ZAZZY scooter & RETRO Kettcar

Nostalgia meets modern riding fun: the KETTLER Kettcar Retro

Experience nostalgic moments and give your child unforgettable adventures with the KETTLER Kettcar Retro. Inspired by the classic design that brings back many childhood memories, this Kettcar not only offers a stylish retro look, but also modern functions for a safe and comfortable riding experience.

With the KETTLER Kettcar Retro, every child becomes a little racer. The robust construction and lovely retro-style details make it the ideal companion for the garden, driveway or playground.

Dynamic and fun: the KETTLER Zazzy scooter in orange

Children love to be on the move and the KETTLER Zazzy scooter in orange complements the riding experience perfectly. The scooter requires dexterity when steering by shifting weight and offers maximum safety and stability.

The KETTLER Scooter Zazzy provides varied riding fun and supports motor development. Its stable construction and height-adjustable handlebars make it the perfect companion for growing children.

The ultimate economy package

This economy package combines the best of both worlds: The KETTLER Kettcar Retro for nostalgic racing adventures and the KETTLER Scooter Zazzy in orange for dynamic rides. Both products offer maximum safety, comfort and unforgettable fun for your child.


KETTLER Kettcar Retro

  • Original retro design: Awakens nostalgic childhood memories and delights children and parents alike.
  • Suitable for children aged 3 and over: Ideal for ages 3 to 6 years, maximum weight of 35 kg.
  • Lightweight and compact: With a product weight of just 11.8 kg and dimensions of 97 x 57.5 x 56 cm, it is easy to move and can be used anywhere.
  • Pneumatic tyres: 10 inch tyres with pneumatic tyres ensure a smooth and comfortable ride.
  • Safety features: Equipped with a hand brake for safe stopping.
  • Two-speed gear lever: Pedal clutch and freewheel clutch offer a varied riding experience.
  • Adjustable seat: 2-way adjustable seat adapts to the size of the child and ensures a comfortable sitting position.
  • Assembly: Frame and wheels already assembled, ready to go.
  • Tested safety: Tested according to EN71-1, -2 and -3 standards, guarantees high safety standards.

KETTLER Zazzy scooter

  • Aluminium frame
  • Handlebars adjustable in 3 positions (to heights of 67cm, 71.5cm and 76cm) 
  • T-handlebar removable
  • Detachable safety handles
  • Carrying handle at the front of the footboard
  • Smooth-running 5 inch wheels
  • Non-slip footboard thanks to griptape with detector 
  • Rear kick foot brake 

Technical data

KETTLER Kettcar Retro

  • Age recommendation: 3-6 years
  • Maximum weight: 35 kg
  • Product weight: 11.8 kg
  • Product dimensions: 97 x 57.5 x 56 cm
  • Tyre size: 10 inch
  • Tyres: pneumatic tyres
  • Safety features: Handbrake
  • Gear change: two-speed gear lever with pedal clutch and freewheel clutch
  • Seat adjustment: 2-way adjustable
  • Assembly: Frame and wheels already assembled
  • Safety test: Tested according to EN71-1, -2, -3 standards

KETTLER Zazzy scooter

  • Age: from 3 years
  • Handle height: 67 - 76 cm 
  • Weight: 2.5kg
  • Maximum weight load: 50 kg<
  • Age: from 3 years
  • Handle height: 67 - 76 cm 
  • Weight: 2.5kg
  • Maximum weight load: 50 kg

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