Retro design ✓ from 3 years ✓ 2-way adjustable seat ✓ Handbrake ✓ Pneumatic tyres ✓ Frame and wheels already assembled ✓

Item number: 1597

€ 199.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany

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KETTLER Kettcar Retro

Experience nostalgic moments and give your child unforgettable adventures with the Kettler Kettcar Retro. Inspired by the classic design that brings back childhood memories for many, this Kettcar not only offers a stylish retro look, but also modern functions that make the driving experience safe and comfortable.

The KETTLER Kettcar Retro is suitable for children aged 3 to 6 years and can carry a maximum weight of 35 kg. With a product weight of only 11.8 kg and dimensions of 97 x 57.5 x 56 cm, it is light enough to be easily moved by children and compact enough to fit in any garden or playground.

The 10 inch tyres with pneumatic tyres provide a smooth ride and allow your child to ride comfortably and safely over different surfaces. The frame and wheels are already assembled so that the Kettcar Retro is quickly ready for use.

For added safety, the Kettler Kettcar Retro is equipped with a handbrake to help your child stop safely. The two-speed gear lever offers both a pedal clutch and a freewheel clutch, which makes the driving experience even more varied and exciting. The seat is 2-way adjustable so that it can be adapted to the size of your child and ensures a comfortable seating position.

This Kettcar has been tested according to the EN71-1, -2 and -3 safety standards, so you don't have to worry about your child's safety.

Why the Kettler Kettcar Retro? This Kettcar is more than just a toy - it's a piece of history and fun that will delight your child. The robust construction and lovely retro-style details make it the ideal companion for little racers. Perfect for the garden, the driveway or the playground - the Kettler Kettcar Retro brings fun and exercise into everyday life.


  • Original retro design: Awakens nostalgic childhood memories and delights children and parents alike.
  • Suitable for children aged 3 and over: Ideal for ages 3 to 6 years, maximum weight of 35 kg.
  • Lightweight and compact: With a product weight of just 11.8 kg and dimensions of 97 x 57.5 x 56 cm, it is easy to move and can be used anywhere.
  • Pneumatic tyres: 10 inch tyres with pneumatic tyres ensure a smooth and comfortable ride.
  • Safety features: Equipped with a hand brake for safe stopping.
  • Two-speed gear lever: Pedal clutch and freewheel clutch offer a varied riding experience.
  • Adjustable seat: 2-way adjustable seat adapts to the size of the child and ensures a comfortable sitting position.
  • Assembly: Frame and wheels already assembled, ready to go.
  • Tested safety: Tested according to EN71-1, -2 and -3 standards, guarantees high safety standards.

Technical data

  • Age recommendation: 3-6 years
  • Maximum weight: 35 kg
  • Product weight: 11.8 kg
  • Product dimensions: 97 x 57.5 x 56 cm
  • Tyre size: 10 inch
  • Tyres: pneumatic tyres
  • Safety features: Handbrake
  • Gear change: two-speed gear lever with pedal clutch and freewheel clutch
  • Seat adjustment: 2-way adjustable
  • Assembly: Frame and wheels already assembled
  • Safety test: Tested according to EN71-1, -2, -3 standards

Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Choking hazard due to small parts.

Warning: Only use under the direct supervision of an adult. Do not use on public roads.

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