Cover for all KETTLER table tennis tables

Weatherproof ✓ Tear-resistant ✓ UV-resistant ✓ Synthetic fabric ✓ 2 colors available ✓

Item number: 1207

€ 99.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany

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The weatherproof cover for KETTLER table tennis tables protects against dust in the indoor area or rain in the outdoor area. The protective cover is made of durable synthetic fabric and offers comprehensive protection against moisture, dust and dirt. Thus, the cover serves as a perfect complement to the KETTLER table tennis table and is an indispensable table tennis accessory.

With the cover nothing can happen to your KETTLER table tennis table. It withstands any weather and protects the high-quality KETTLER table tennis tables optimally against all external influences.

With the integrated velcro fastener on the lower part of the KETTLER cover, the KETTLER table tennis table is protected from blowing away or tipping over even in strong winds. The cover is particularly easy to use and simply has to be put over the folded table tennis table.

The tear-resistant synthetic fabric makes for a durable product that can be used and relied upon for a long time. In addition, the material is UV-resistant and the covered table tennis table can be left in the sun.

Suitable for the following table models: KETTLER K1, KETTLER K3, KETTLER K5, KETTLER K10, KETTLER K15 and of course also applicable for all common table tennis tables which have the same dimensions.

  • colorfast
  • water repellent
  • breathable
  • weather resistant
  • UV-resistant
  • easy to clean and washable
  • integrated zipper

  • 100% polyester
  • "Kettler Logo" as imprint
  • individually packed in a plastic bag with carrying handle (perfect for storing if the cover is not needed) 
  • Dimensions (height x length x width): 150 cm x 160 cm x 80/25

Use under the direct supervision of adults.

Caution: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.

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