KETTLER Jump & Relax Set: Trampoline and play sofa

Trampoline Ø 244 cm including ground anchor ✓ Children's play sofa 6-part ✓ Promotes motor skills & balance ✔ Creative play & relaxation ✔ Removable, washable covers ✔ Maximum load capacity: 100 kg ✔

Item number: 1704

RRP €598.00
€ 499.00 *
Content 1 piece
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time: 2 - 4 days within Germany

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The KETTLER outdoor trampoline JUMP 244 and the play sofa KREATY complement each other perfectly for a varied play experience. While the trampoline provides exercise outside, the play sofa offers flexible play and relaxation options inside.

Save 99 euros with the KETTLER savings package: Trampoline & play sofa - exercise and creativity in one package

  • Promote motor skills and balance - The trampoline enables active play in the fresh air and supports coordination.
  • Versatile play and relaxation - The modular play sofa can be used as a cuddle spot, play cave or seating area.
  • Durable and safe - Both products are made of high-quality, tested materials.
  • For indoor and outdoor use - trampoline for the garden, sofa for the children's room.

KETTLER outdoor trampoline JUMP 244

With a diameter of 244 cm, the trampoline offers enough space for jumps and exercise exercises. The robust steel construction ensures stability, while the safety net minimizes the risk of injury. A ladder included makes access easier.

Special features:

✔ Stable metal frame for a secure stand
✔ Weatherproof, UV-resistant material for long-term use
✔ Safety net and padded bars for additional protection
✔ Maximum load capacity: 100 kg

KETTLER Kreaty play sofa

The Kreaty play sofa can be used flexibly and encourages creative play. It consists of several upholstered elements that can be put together to form different shapes - ideal for children who like to build and try things out.

Special features:

✔ Modular design - different assembly options possible
✔ High-quality foam with no hard edges
✔ Covers removable and washable (at 30°C)
✔ OEKO-TEX® certified fabrics for a pleasant room climate

Frequently asked questions

From what age is the trampoline suitable?

It is recommended for children from 3 years of age.

Are the covers of the play sofa washable?

Yes, they can be washed in the washing machine at 30°C.

How strong is the trampoline?

The maximum user weight for the trampoline 244 is 100 kg.

What are the dimensions of the Kreaty children's play sofa?

The sofa measures approx. 170 cm x 40 cm x 85 cm when assembled.

Are the trampoline and sofa also available separately?

Yes, both products can be bought separately, but the savings package offers a price advantage.

The KETTLER outdoor trampoline JUMP 244 is specially designed for the garden and impresses with its sturdy steel frame construction. The weatherproof materials guarantee a high level of durability, while the UV-resistant jumping mat remains flexible even with intensive use.

Safety net & padded edge cover for maximum protection

A 180 cm high safety net reliably protects children from falls. The padded bars and the wide edge cover over the springs minimize the risk of injury and ensure carefree fun.

Promote movement & motor skills training

Jumping on the trampoline improves coordination, balance and endurance. It supports children's motor development and at the same time ensures intensive, playful training.

Easy to use & high load capacity

A ladder supplied makes it easier to get on, and the high-quality suspension ensures even jumping power. With a maximum load capacity of 100 kg, the trampoline can also be used by teenagers and adults.

Perfect for the garden - can be used all year round

The weather-resistant materials make the trampoline suitable for permanent outdoor use. Ideal for families who value safe and long-lasting fun in their own garden.

The KETTLER Kreaty children's play sofa is a 6-part, modular sofa that can be adapted to any play situation. Children can use it to build a play cave, lying area or a comfortable seating area - perfect for creative play and relaxing.

High-quality & safe materials

The sofa is made of soft but stable foam and has no hard edges. The OEKO-TEX® certified fabric cover ensures a pleasant feeling on the skin and is ideal for the children's room.

Easy to clean & durable

The removable covers are machine washable at 30°C and are therefore easy to clean. The robust material can withstand intensive play and daily use.

Space-saving & flexible use

The Kreaty sofa can be folded up and stored to save space. It is suitable as seating, play area, reading corner or guest bed - a versatile piece of furniture that grows with the needs of the child.

Playful promotion of creativity & imagination

The children's sofa from KETTLER supports the creative development of children with its modular design. You can redesign and adapt it again and again - for countless game ideas and relaxation options.

Technical data - KETTLER outdoor trampoline JUMP 244

  • Diameter: 244 cm
  • Height (including safety net): 250 cm
  • Height of jumping mat: approx. 60 cm above the ground
  • Frame material: Galvanized steel frame for high stability and weather resistance
  • Jumping mat: UV-resistant polypropylene for long-lasting flexibility
  • Edge cover: 1.4 cm thick padding made of durable polyethylene
  • Safety net: 180 cm high, tear-resistant and securely attached
  • Entry: With lockable entrance for more safety
  • Ladder: Included, for easy and safe entry to the trampoline
  • Maximum load capacity: 100 kg
  • Suspension: High-quality steel springs for even bounce
  • Feet: Non-slip and stable on various surfaces
  • Weather resistance: Suitable for year-round outdoor use
  • Safety: Tested construction with padded bars to protect against impacts
  • Intended use: Outdoor trampoline for children, teenagers and adults to promote coordination, motor skills and endurance

Technical data - KETTLER play sofa KREATY

  • Components: 6-part construction (2 folding mattresses, 2 triangular cushions, 2 armrests)
  • Material: velvet, 100% polyester, OEKO-TEX Standard 100 certified
  • Covers: removable and washable at 30 degrees
  • Dimensions as a sofa: 170 cm (width) x 40 cm (height) x 85 cm (depth)
  • Dimensions without backrest: 170 cm (width) x 22 cm (height) x 85 cm (depth)
  • Dimensions as a lying surface: 252 cm x 84 cm
  • Dimensions of triangular cushions: 54 x 37 x 33 cm
  • Height of the folding mattresses: 14 cm and 7 cm
  • Weight: light and easy to transport
  • Intended use: play sofa, reading corner, guest bed, Play cave, cozy corner
  • Safety: Soft padding without hard edges
  • Special feature: Modular design for creative play

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